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MATZO BALL SOUP! ? Literally my FAVORITE soup growing up. There was this one specific diner (The Bridgewater Diner in NJ), that made THE BEST matzo ball soup. ? Anytime we randomly when there, you know I ordered some! Those matzo ball memories were in my pre-celiac life of course. ?? * No, I'm not Jewish, I don't celebrate Hanukkah or Passover, BUT Matzo ball should not have to be "passed" over by anyone! (pun intended). ? So to make my celiac-approved Easy Gluten-Free Vegan Matzo Ball Soup, that's also allergy-free and paleo, we're channeling the humble potato to make "potato kneidlach" style matzo ball dumplings! ?? * You can use fresh potato ? for these OR what I did, @bobsredmill potato flakes! Your broth-based soup can consist of any simple veggies you want like carrots, celery, onions, ? @pacificfood veggie broth and @simplyorganic spices seal the deal. ? * For the actual recipe, ingredients, and instructions, hop over to the blog (link in bio) or comment below and let me know you want the recipe link DM'ed to you! ??????? * #matzoballsoup #jewishfood #hanukkah #dumplings #soupoftheday #glutenfree #vegan #dairyfree #eggfree #soyfree #nutfree #top8free #allergyfree #grainfree #celiac #foodallergies #feedfeed #foodandwine #glutenfreelife #glutenfreevegan #kidapproved #feelgoodfood #vegankids #plantbasedfood #glutenfreefood #glutenfreebogger #glutenfreeliving #celiacdisease #healthykids #healthyfamily

A post shared by Strength & Sunshine (@rebeccagf666) on

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